NEWS Canadian and UK
I want to include information about all aspects of the Hogg name. In order to do this I need your help, suggestions, feedback, and information. New information is constantly coming in to me, both from my own research and from others who have generously contributed to this site. You might want to bookmark us and check back regularly as I am updating these pages on a regular basis. NewsNew facebook page for The Hogg Surname Centre New website for the James Hogg Society Did you know? - Interesting discoveries I have made in my research.
Meanings and Origins of the name HoggThe name Hogg is very old. Find out more on the Meaning and Origins page.
Don't be such a Hogg - this expression is used when the speaker would prefer that the person spoken to would not behave so cleverly Go the whole Hogg- this is when one attempts to rise to the top, this involves a certain intensity known only too well by the Hogg family. Live high off the Hogg- This is an expression used when people come to visit the Hoggs. Hoggwash- a daily ablution How about======Independent as a HOGG on ice --======You are all sitting at the table ahwb a late-comer arrives say ' We;re waiting for you like one HOGG waits for another. (from Medhogg) When Jim Hogg was governor of Texas they tried to get him to change his pronounciation fro hog to hoag --- A little ditty was started---HOGG BY NAME AND HOGG BY NATURE CHANGED TO HOAG BY LEGISLATURE (from Medhogg) Stop Hogging the ____ - Have you never heard in conversation anything like "Stop hogging it!!" It means "stop keeping it to yourself!" For example "Stop hogging the bedcovers" means "Give me the sheets back NOW!" (from Rebecca Hogg, Leicester, UK) This is the first place to look. The
archives are sorted by geographic regions. Each Archive
has listings under Census, Births, Deaths, Marriages, Records and Deed,
Cemeteries, Biographies, Miscellaneous and a list of people researching
in that area.
If your name is Hoge, Hogue, Hoag or one of the many other variations of Hogg, take a look at this page. Remember that I list these names on the rest of the pages as well. Hogg FamiliesResearchers have submitted information about the families
that they are researching. Hoggs who made historyshort descriptions and some photos about Hoggs who have made their mark on history.Imagesthe photograph page Hogg Immigrantslistings from Passenger listsHogg Researchersa list of people who are researching the name. Again this list is sorted by the geographic area where their ancestors lived.Hogg Place NamesIn my travels through the internet looking for people called Hogg, I keep running into places with Hogg in the name. So here is a page just about Hogg place names all over the world. Hogg Mailing List
QueriesThere are three methods of sending queries. You can either email me if you want the query posted on these pages, or send a query to either of the following message boards. The Hogg Family Genealogical Society
Genealogy LinksLinks include Hogg links, general genealogy
links, and Scottish genealogy links Hogg LinksGedcom Databases - RootsWeb Introduces WorldConnectThe RootsWeb Cooperative has long been known as one of the best online communities for genealogists. especially for U.S.-based genealogists. Their latest addition is a large (and growing) database of individual genealogical data known as WorldConnect. The WorldConnect database is built around the widely-used GEDCOM file standard that allows family historians to share their data with others, even if they have different computers or use different software. The WorldConnect project allows genealogists anywhere in the world to upload their data to the service without fee, to modify that data whenever they need to, and to share it with other genealogists -- all without cost. Access to the WorldConnect database is available via the World Wide Web. WorldConnect launched with data on approximately 5.5 million people, has already reached the six million mark, and is expected to grow rapidly. Genealogists wishing to add their names to this effort are invited to do so through the Web, or by sending the data to the WorldConnect project on floppy disc or Zip disc. The Web address for the project is: On April 24, 2001, typing Hogg into their search engine yields 5580 results.
NB - If you discover any links or email addresses not working, please contact me and tell me what page they are on. There are so many links on this site, it is hard to keep up with them all. Thanks, Monica
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(Thanks to
Steven B. Madewell
for the Coat of Arms)
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